
on beginning a new semester

There is a freshness in the beginning of a new thing. It raises up in me--this newness--and fills my lungs like the sharp sting of the quick inhalation in midwinter. It is a good burn, I attest, because it means the body is being worked into submission.

It is breaking into a thousand pieces--the body that is--but my resurrector, He glues me together like a mosaic. Perhaps faith is a portrait splintered and re-constructed, and we spend the good majority of our effort as a community on the agreement of what our faith should look like: nice and packaged and well-rehearsed and presentable. Once, we were not this way; we had dirt beneath our fingernails and the blind in our arms.

Let's return to it.

I may be going to Uganda for my HNGR internship; that would be a beautiful thing and it will challenge me. Oh, it will challenge me.

1 comment:

Ariah said...

Your right I think Uganda would be a great opportunity for you.

And the Lord blesses our change, especially if it is more into the creation he is making of us.